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Commentary and research on current events and public policy by economists from the University of the Philippines
Discussion Papers

Impure altruism and other donor attraction factors: a study based on a database of NGOs in the Philippines

This study uses panel data on a sample of non-government organizations to estimate the factors that motivate donors to contribute to them. The results of empirical estimation suggest that a mix of conventional and tax factors influence donors.

Memoir: The founding of PIDS

The PIDS, founded in 1977, has gained international recognition for useful research on development issues relevant to the nation’s economic needs. In this memoir prepared for the 40th anniversary celebration of the institute’s birth, the author recounts the unique circumstances, philosophy and other factors that led to the founding of the research institute.

Competition, regulation and institutional quality

Regulation and competition policy are two alternative modalities by which the state intervenes in the market. In order for either to deliver welfare gains, there must first be a pre-existing market failure.

Government “underspending” in perspective: Incompetence, inertia, or indigestion?

The measured underspending over the last 5 years has more to do with ambitious targets rather than apathetic or incompetent bureaucrats.

WASH for child health: Some evidence in support of public intervention in the Philippines

Like in many developing countries, diarrheal diseases remain a top cause of child mortality and morbidity in the Philippines. Partly to address this problem, the government has undertaken programs to expand access to safe water and sanitation facilities, especially among poor households.

Comprehensive Tax Reform in the Philippines: Principles, History and Recommendations

This paper provides a background to options available to the government moving forward, starting with basic principles of taxation, criteria for evaluation, tax instruments and mix of instruments.

Procurement Auctions with Interdependent Values and Affiliated Signals

Procurement auctions that assume independent private values (IPV) provide a benchmark for analysis that is readily demonstrated but often unrealistic.

Common Belief Revisited

This study presents how selection of equilibrium in a game with many equilibria can be made possible when the common knowledge assumption (CKA) is replaced by the notion of common belief.

Threshold Bank-run Equilibrium in Dynamic Games

This study sets a bank-run equilibrium analysis in a dynamic and incomplete information environment where agents can reconsider attempts to run on the bank over time.

Why Fixed Rent Contracts are Less Prevalent: Weak Third Party Enforcement and Endogenous Principal Type

We revisit the question of why fixed rent contracts are less prevalent than crop share contracts despite Marshallian inefficiency. We consider the case where the type of the principal is endogenous to contract provisions and reneging by the principal may pay due to weak third party enforcement (TPE).

Conglopolistic Competition in Small Emerging Economies: When Large and Diversified is Beautiful

We show how conglopolistic competition is welfare-improving and give examples of how it boosts the collective action capacity of the weak Philippine state. The dynamism of the Philippine Service sector is due to lively conglopolistic competition which in turn comes from relatively free entry in these sectors.

Groups, Norms and Endogenous Membership: Towards a Socially Inclusive Economics

In Part I, we argue that Economics must outgrow the narrow confines of Neo-Classical Economics to embrace ‘sociality’ first championed by Herbert Simon in the mid-1950s and now by a growing number of economists under the banner of Social Economics. In Part II, we construct a formal model where the agent is at once...