About Per SE

Commentary and research on current events and public policy by economists from the University of the Philippines
Posts tagged "inflation and prices"

Red flags in rice tariffication

Significant reduction of the rice price cools down inflation. Yes, the problem has other factors, such as the spike of world petroleum prices and the tax reform law, which increased excise taxes. Holding them constant, we can fight inflation if we can just reduce rice prices.

Inflation: toward moderation?

Inflation continues to be the concern of the moment. Actions that are designed to tame it are being undertaken by the fiscal and monetary authorities. We, therefore, comment on the efforts to tame the inflationary tendencies.

The BSP and inflation: What mission creep?

When the price spike is due to cost push (food, coal tax and higher transmission charge, rice and NFA failure, wages and “endo”) , the BSP’s capacity to combat the root of the spike is very limited. A more aggressive BSP interest rate hike would only raise costs and inflation further.

Inflationary tendency

A creeping rise in domestic prices has been happening since a year ago, indicative of modest inflationary pressures.